Jan 23, 17 / Aqu 23, 01 17:34 UTC
Banks should't exist in Asgardia. ¶
Nowadays, Gadaffi is missed by the Libyans. Electricity was free. The residence was a human right. All the married couples were given the equivalent to 50.000 (fifty thousand) to buy a house. All loans were 0% interest by law. When Gadaffi came to power, only 5% of the population knew to read and write. When he was assassinated, 83% did know how to read and write. Healthcare was free. If you couldn't be treated in the country, the government would give you all the required amount of money to get treated in a foreign country. If Libyans bought a car, the government would pay 50%. The Libyan central bank was owned by Libya, and not by the Rothschild, a dynasty who own half the world. (http://www.theeventchronicle.com/finanace/rothschild-family-wealth-five-times-worlds-top-8-billionaires-combined/) They create money without gold. Gadaffi didn't sell his people to the Rothschild. Sarkozy said that this (the economy of Libya) was "a threat to the global economy".
Gadaffi used to say "We all can live freely on the Earth, without debts and its huge interests.The banks and its bought politicians are stealing trillions of dollars, every year."
Unfortunately, Gadaffi was assassinated by the "police of the world". The United States. Today, Libya is a slaved nation. Slaved by the debts of its people. Because of the banks. Because of the USA. Banks. Banks are the source of almost all problems. Banks. Modern slavery. Debts. Students that are working dozens of hours and get less than the minimum wage, and they almost can't pay for the university. People that see their house being awned by the bank just because yoy missed a payment. Old people who are left to die because they are not "valuable" to the banks.
I propose to BAN the banks on Asgardia. I (I am sure WE) don't want banks. Ban modern slavery. We can have a central "bank" in the government. All loans would be issued at 0% interest. Do you need some money for a scientific research? Ask the government for a loan. Do you need to buy a house? Ask the government for a loan. Do you need some money to buy that fantastic 3D printer? Ask the government for a loan. Do you need to de treated in a hospital? Don't worry, the healthcare is free.
I (again, I am sure We) don't mind paying more taxes as long as we don't have banks in our Nation.
Please tell me what do you think or if you want to propose an alternative. Please read before you vote. Thanks for reading.