Jan 5, 17 / Aqu 05, 01 21:24 UTC
Absorbtion vs Creation of educated youth ¶
Considering the costs and time required for the formation of a productive asgardian citizen it is clear that its cheaper to take already educated members from other countries, citizens available to do some voluntary work. The idea of the citizens spread around the globe is actually very good since distance between "citizens" makes population security a purely IT service. For the economics part and currency we should think at the way things are: the economics will be run by the CEOs of the companies interested in using the cheap labor (not paid for their education and no wait time for it) and regarding currency, there is no need for it since everyone already lives in a country with their own currency. Another remark on the Education chapter, because all this has an education purpose for the young asgardians, the International Policy has a convergence tendency, meaning that Asgardia is just one way to embed this fact into current National Policies. Such change will not happen over night, instead in a few generations. So citizens of Asgardia you should be glad that you are among the first ones to embrace this new changing world! Wish you all only the best!