Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 06:45 UTC
Edugation for asgardians ¶
Today asgardians must be educated by scientists ,who are unknowen about modern technology and about computer science.
is computer education necessary to asgardians?
Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 06:45 UTC
Today asgardians must be educated by scientists ,who are unknowen about modern technology and about computer science.
Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 14:30 UTC
Actually, some of us are reasonably adapt with regards to computer technology, and technology in general.
And yes, I firmly believe that education in this realm is essential, as it covers a wide range of topics. In this "modern age" there's not a lot that isn't controlled by such technology, and with the onset of IoT this becomming dangerously so. Internet on TV's, toasters, fridges, thermostats, lightbulbs etc has already lead to mass compromise and the formation of botnets like murai. Understanding the threat model would of stopped users from obtaining this irresponsibly insecure equipment in the first place, protecting both them, and the people they would be attacking inadvertantly.
Understanding of not just how to use technology, but how the technology actually works, will give rise to not only increased proficiency with the technology in question but the ability to repurpose it effectively should needs must. It would also enable understanding of the various inherent flaws with various technological facets - which should lead to safer and sanity enhanced adoptation of technologies.
Jan 9, 17 / Aqu 09, 01 06:23 UTC
Being a space country our asgardians are living in many countries Free computer education may be applied by asgardia government .A great policy must be determined by us it must be effective too and applicable Thanks.