Jul 21, 17 / Vir 06, 01 05:57 UTC

Attempt at Being an Ambassador  

Hello fellow Asgardians, today I am wondering who here would (when given the option) attempt to become an Asgardian ambassador. I myself will be attempting this and I would like to see who else wants the position. It may be easier to get a better hold of those you may be voting for if they are all in a clearly defined page.

Jul 24, 17 / Vir 09, 01 23:39 UTC


If the opportunity arises to become a Asgardian ambassador then yes I would attempt it .

In order for this young nation to grow  and flourish , it needs to be natured on a golden successful path .

The recent news update on the Asgardia FB page  regarding "ID'S and passports" 

It states that 6 embassies are to be created ( one for each continents ) and that they working on local representations . 

Maybe a future  Asgardian ambassador could help in the creation of these local representations?

Now I don't know what they are doing in terms of placements of these local representations .... I can only say this :

In terms of my corner of the world, the UK , I can only think of two cities witch could be beneficial to Asgardia.

London- because of it being one of the main business hubs for Europe.

Sheffield , South yorkshire. I know I live in this city but I do see it having great potential benefit to Asgardia . 

Sheffield has a long history of engineering with global companies like forgemasters and howco.  I see asgardia useing sheffield steel in the creation of the future space habitats. Helping asgardia and fueling the local economy . 

Look the reason why I recommend Sheffield as a prime city for a asgardian local representation is further because this considering the UK doesn't get picked for a Asgardian embassy: Sheffield could cover the Asgardian population of northern England .



Aug 23, 17 / Lib 11, 01 15:42 UTC

I will do my best, and this because I do believe as a person like me with the abilities to fulfill this function, like an IQ of +145 and appropriated personality plus the experiences of living in a foreing country for numerous years, will be an indispensable asset for Asgardia and all our citizens. 

Sep 20, 17 / Sco 11, 01 08:52 UTC

I would love to be an Ambassador, please vote for me under parliament.

Sep 20, 17 / Sco 11, 01 15:01 UTC


It's great to see people wanting to be involved in building Asgardia and help with forming the embassies and consulates! It's also nice to see people taking part in the Leadership elections and are looking forward to the Parliamentary elections.

There is a way to help right now, we have some established Community Center teams that are working to establish community support and programs around the world. They are always looking for more active Asgardian volunteers to step up and help out. If you'd like to volunteer, keep an eye on the Administrative Affairs forum, or the Civic Asgardia blog on the Asgardia.space website for volunteer openings to join our National Center Community teams!

Kind regards,
Rebekah Berg
Head of Community Affairs
NGO Asgardia

Sep 21, 17 / Sco 12, 01 00:20 UTC

I would also wish to be an ambassador of and embassy or consulate!  The more we have a presence, the more seriously we will be taken.  I would like to know more about this please.


Oct 27, 17 / Oph 20, 01 20:44 UTC

to become a Asgardian ambassador then yes I would  for this young nation to grow  and flourish