Jun 11, 17 / Can 22, 01 01:23 UTC


What if a space ship had the design input of submarines, with the use of ballast tanks to control the 'depth' of where is travels into atmospheres or closer to celestial bodies with a gravitational/electromagnetic field?

Might save on fuel used for takeoff and landings if it could be thoroughly controlled by computers

Jun 12, 17 / Can 23, 01 21:41 UTC

I'm not quite sure what you mean. ballast tanks work by taking on external water and flushing the water out using compressed air, so I'm not really sure how that would work without something to intake/jettison. could you explain further?

Jul 6, 17 / Leo 19, 01 11:04 UTC

Maybe you mean like Hindenberg Floating Air Baloon? then on the upper Atmosphere they just blast rocket to ascend to space? That is like submarine isn't it? I also wonder if that's possible? If that's not possible maybe we can create baloon platfom to save fuel and blast rocket from that baloon platform?

Nov 14, 17 / Sag 10, 01 22:11 UTC

Its not the 100 miles above the earth that is the problem, its getting up to orbital speed. The shuttle used 7% of its energy to get to altitude, the remaining 93% of energy was getting up to mach 25.  

An electro-magnetic suspension system, like 2 north poles of magnets repelling, assume both are outside each other. I'm not sure how this would work so close to a celestial body that has a magnetic field, which precludes both the Moon and Mars.

Dec 11, 17 / Cap 09, 01 19:27 UTC

mientras sigamos quemando materiales, no lleguemos muy lejos, cambiemos nuestra mentalidad y busquemos energías que se muevan a través de la naturaleza y no en contra, aumente nuestra visión la fisica multidimensional