Jun 26, 18 / Leo 09, 02 19:58 UTC


Centrifugal force, i.e. spinning. Magnet boots (and apparel) are for reliable surface contact only.

Jun 26, 18 / Leo 09, 02 20:18 UTC

Magnets could be useful on the exterior of space stations so people can go out and repair without risk of being lost forever.

But magnets wont fix the problem of bone loss, so we will need rotating stations. Since too many rotations in a short amount of time can cause issues due to the Coriolis effect, we will need fairly large radii for each station. Ringworld anyone?

Jun 26, 18 / Leo 09, 02 21:48 UTC

This is actually something I have been thinking about for the past few days. While a ring world would work, much like a "flat earth" in a sense, the size is what actually brings up the issues to be able to counter earths gravity and not fall back down. We would need an extremely dense and heavy core, but the world itself would need to be extremely light to be able to transport mass amounts into space. 

If I remember correctly, for the approximate size we would need to build, we would have to be somewhere around the Moons orbit, which would pose an issue just due to the fact that we do not want the moon to crash into us.

Aug 16, 18 / Lib 04, 02 08:38 UTC

Depending on your definition of "large", definitely if that definition aligns with the kinds of dimensions quoted in this thread, a spinning ring-type space station wouldn't actually need to be THAT large to accommodate most humans, or, at least, provide an environment which they could adapt to. According to this compilation of historical studies on the subject (http://www.artificial-gravity.com/Dissertation/2_2.htm) a ring with a diameter of little more than 200m (about twice the length of the ISS - https://www.nasa.gov/content/international-space-station-length-and-width/#.W3Uvc3UzaV4) seems like the sweet spot.

This would provide an environment where you could approach one full g (which might not be needed to sustain human health) while approaching 3 RPM, which ground-tests (which are obviously a flawed analogy to the space environment) suggest is where average people begin to feel the effect of variable gravity (the difference in gravity from your head to your feet).

This would provide a lot of room for miscalculations and unforeseen factors, due to the fact, as noted in the research compilation, the effect of angular velocity seems to be a good deal more tolerable in space than on Earth, where most of these experiments have been conducted.

  Last edited by:  Christian Knudsen (Candidate, Asgardian)  on Aug 16, 18 / Lib 04, 02 08:54 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times
Reason: Added section on the difference in the effects of angular velocities between Earth and space.

Aug 18, 18 / Lib 06, 02 15:57 UTC

as a station, the spinning would be a good idea, but what about smaller ships? Doesn't seem very practical to just float through space spinning. Would make me dizzy lol I know it is fiction, but In Star Trek, they use electrical floor panels to generate gravity. Is there any kind of realism to this? Is it even possible I wonder?