Nov 1, 18 / Oph 25, 02 21:47 UTC
Disgusted with nothing going on here. ¶
To start this off, I am grateful that Asgardia has not imposed or tried to collect any taxes from citizens. An really how could they ? On top of not providing any services to citizens other than being able to upload information to a cube state that is in low earth orbit and will only be there temporarily. To me the only thing I can gather from Asgardia is that it is still trying to form a government and branches of leadership nothing more. I don't see much room for citizens to be apart of anything, maybe " voting " which, I don't see any links to reports on how the voting actually works, how votes are processed , who processes the votes, and then a detailed report on said votes. I don't see any links on this website in regards to plans for Identification cards, only small replies here and there that someone talked about it briefly in a Q&A session either on facebook or youtube... which then I wonder, why is there no mention of it here on this website. And where are Asgardians actually participating, on Facebook and Youtube or here or a mix or more so on one than another ?
When other countries have gone through a growing process, forming a government, etc, things still existed, like ... Jobs. I don't see any talks by government officials on what jobs to create or that can be created for Asgardia, even if it is only based on a cyber platform. If the government doesn't talk about or try to create any kind of paying jobs, they can't tax anyone. Obvious enough.... But then they have to provide benefits with the jobs etc. so they got a lot of problems to still over come.
I don't understand why the upper ranks of Asgardia are still piddling around with ceremonies, speeches, setting holidays, things that don't really add up to any kind of real progress.... an not start discussing about practical things that have been at times discussed here, obtaining any kind of land, currency, etc. All I continue to see Asgardia as, is an idea, a shell, with nothing inside.
Kudos, Asgardia has a constitution, has been recognized as a nation, has had elections, made a flag and created a boring and drawn out national anthem.... an there are some youtube / facebook sessions here n there.... The deadness of this website doesn't really motivate me to keep coming back, the lack of any real obtainable goals for Asgardia and progress for citizens to be active other than voting isn't motivating either.
Kudos to a member Dirk though, dude is very active on here, I admire the guy an hope he stays active here , seems to have some good ideas and I enjoy seeing what he has to say.