Nov 22, 18 / Sag 18, 02 20:18 UTC
Re:Proposal New Citizenship Fee:25 Euro 2019| 50 Euro 2020, 100 Euro 2021+ ¶
It isn't trolling at all, so grow up .
I have read the decree perhaps you should re read it yourself.
The concept of a citizenship fee , would be the same for any nation starting out with a people already in place, Australia , France, Japan, U.S.A, Where ever. Pick what ever country you like.
An imagine that the country is just starting out, just building it self like Asgardia has, people are working, probably already paying some sort of taxation for a military , and fees to what ever leader is already in place, they already have established an economy , it isn't just wishful thinking, people are trading goods with each other for a price, or are bartering.
Now lets take this as Asgardia is doing, now for an established people, waiting on a Constitution , it gets passed, a government is forming, now a decree comes along that says guess what, for all of you who have already been here, have been contributing to this society, now we have made a new decree that says if you want to continue being a citizen here, if you want to continue enjoying the benefits of this nation that we hope one day will be a booming one, we are making a law that says you must pay us. On top of what ever taxation you were already facing, And in return we are going to give you nothing.
Why are we giving you nothing ? Because we are just an idea and we the need the money to make more wonderful ideas.
But guess what, if you don't want to pay that is fine, you dont have too, we will just not give you anything if and when we do become something real, and then probably still force you to pay to be apart of our " kingdom " even if you were here from the start.
But I understand that for some people, a scam is just too much to comprehend. You would rather toss your money away at the idea that it is going to do some good, and prefer to live in denial. Remember Mars One ? If not, go look at it, see how many people actually invested in a project that was much more detailed and thought out than Asgardia and went absolutely no where.
But don't try to sell a lie to me or others, and pretend that a law was made, a decree, that says you have to pay, but then turn around and say you don't have to pay. That is idiocy. Either it is a law that states you must pay or you lose your rights as a full citizen, or it says you don't have to pay and you retain all your rights as a citizen.
It isn't hard for an intelligent person to figure out.
Now in the real world, are Asgardian police going to come knocking at my door to collect this fee ? Am I going to be banished from Asgardia for not paying. Of course not. And why ? Because Asgardia is a joke. But in the world of the internet, much like the Matrix, reality is a perspective . In the internet world of Asgardia the decree is easy to understand, a law was passed to impose a mandatory fee. You are either in, or out.