Feb 25, 19 / Ari 00, 03 14:43 UTC

Would Asgardia Have a Police / Security Presence  

Even with the peacefulness of the mission and ideals no matter what personalities will clash. Arguments will ensue and there could be physical alterations. With such an idea as having a nation living in a space station it raises the question of would it require Policing or some kind of Security Detachment that ensured that the laws of Asgardia were upheld and posed as a symbol that people were safe?

Feb 26, 19 / Ari 01, 03 05:31 UTC

inevitably yes there would have to be some kind of physical security for a society in space. Be it Asgardia or any. Not necessarily so for small groups in the  40 or less bracket, for me once numbers get 50 an higher, some kind of security force is needed. 

But don't worry Asgardia wont have to worry about that for at least 500 years, because it will take that long for Asgardia to do anything that the world would even look twice at.