Feb 10, 19 / Pis 13, 03 03:00 UTC

Citizenship fee is wrong, and you know it.  


Feb 21, 19 / Pis 24, 03 10:04 UTC

The problem with the fee, is that it's a straight fee, and as such, puts a filter on Asgardian Residentship (because they changed the definitions around, there's currently no such thing as Citizenship legally from my understanding). The percentage of income that 100 euros is (or any flat fee) is far greater for poor people than for rich people. As such, proportionally, more rich people will join than poor people.

Instead it should be made like an actual tax, and be a percentage of income. Preferably a percentage of income made through Asgardia.

And if you don't pay the fee, you don't become a resident, you become (after some time) a follower. There's no rights in the laws or constitutions for followers. They're basically foreigners.

Asgardian constitution clearly states that Asgardia is supposed to be welcoming to all with no discrimination on various grounds, including financial. This flat fee is a form of discrimination against poor people.

Apr 14, 19 / Tau 20, 03 21:25 UTC

I think that if there are no services there should be no taxes.

For now you can't even have a business or a job in Asgardia to make up for this fee so speaking about taxes is a nonsense.

May 3, 19 / Gem 11, 03 00:32 UTC

The Citizenship Fee is wrong, in it's current state.

First few years should be like $10 Eura a Year or FREE because you invited us in saying we were all equal before you started kicking us out because we did not pay your fee or were fortunate to join early enough to gear a free years grace period. What happened to Asgardia being for all?

I am okay with Taxing the citizens a little, but not so much right away! We don't have any jobs in Asgardia yet and no Businesses are currently in negotiations with Asgardia as far as I know.

  Last edited by:  Haeley Merrill-Schroeppel (Asgardian)  on Aug 9, 19 / Vir 25, 03 12:59 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jun 19, 19 / Leo 02, 03 11:40 UTC

I would accept taxation, if it were 100% transparent. I (and many others) would like to know where the money is going. As this is beginning to sound like a bad scheme to me.

Oct 16, 19 / Oph 09, 03 00:40 UTC

I agree that the fee should not be the same for everyone as it is quite high for someone of limited means eg. Pensioners. I myself might not be able to continue as a registered citizen once the grace period is up as I am on very low income. I could manage half the fee or even three quarters more easily. Some sort of means testing might be required. I can understand that.

Nov 12, 19 / Sag 08, 03 22:41 UTC

I think the fee is ok but maybe they could let residence pay monthly. Give the option of one payment yearly for the 100 euros or monthly say 10 euros. This might get more residents and Asgardian gets a constant stream of capital to invest. And the smaller amount is easier on people, as the world economy is struggling at the moment and putting pressure on house hold budgets.