May 21, 17 / Can 01, 01 08:52 UTC
Cigarette smoke and other drugs ¶
Hello Asgardians!
As you know every country has a list of forbidden drugs and of drugs you can use after a medical prescriction. I was thinking about the discoveries of this century and how this can affect such a list in Asgardia's laws. Here are my opinion:
>Cigarettes should be outlawed as cocacine, meth and heavy drugs. (Even if it was possible to smoke on a spacial station)
>Asgardians should encourage the use of electronic pipes (or electronic cigarettes), in order to leave the dependence from nicotine and from gestures caused by normal cigarettes.
>Marijuana should be taken after medical prescription, but only in the form of food or drinking, such as tea or even muffins if you want, to treat minor diseases.
>Morphine should be used only in serious emergency cases in pain treatment.
>Hashish as morphine. Via aerosol is forbidden.
Those were my opinions, what do you think about?