I am a United States Navy service connected disabled Veteran, retired honorably in 2012 due to numerous injuries incurred in the line of duty. And I can tell you that you are more wrong than you could ever possibly imagine.
I have noted that MANY people have this idea of a utopian society for Asgardia.. and while it lives on the Internet, that might be possible. However, should Asgardia ever truly become a space based civilization, it will require both law enforcement/security AND a full military arm.
You must think outside the box. We are not talking about a little plot of land somewhere on the Moon, Mars or even Earth. We are talking about a vast universe, probably full of numerous life supporting planets. Just using probability, 10% of that will be intelligent. And of that 10%, 10% will be hostile or react in a hostile manner.
Additionally, first contact could go perfectly right.. or drastically wrong... all because we could not understand each others method of communication. Even a simple mistake in pronunciation could bring about disaster when it comes to contact with alien species at some point.
You seriously want to sit back and have no way to defend our people, our nation, our world if that occurs? It is better to plan for the worst and never need it, than to never plan and find yourself needing it.
But for the moment, let's forget alien contact. What about the threats right here in our own system? I am talking about other humans and nations from our own planet? Do you really think no country on Earth is going to want or try to move in on what Asgardia might claim for itself? Do you really think as mankind moves into space, that the nefarious won't pirate or cause a myriad of other problems and threats to others? If you think all will be peaches and cream, you seriously need to take a long hard look at reality. And your biggest teacher will be Earth itself and mankind's history.
I understand that many people having this idealistic vision of the future. But this is reality. And reality bites back... hard. I have lived it, I have seen it. And should Asgardia forget these lessons, I would find myself questioning whether I could remain a part of it. No one wants to fight, no one wants war, no one wants violence. But to not understand the dangers of it and accept that it can and will occur, is a mistake that could doom Asgardia before it ever gets a chance to succeed.