Jan 8, 17 / Aqu 08, 01 21:46 UTC
Bank of Asgardia: Online Co-op Investment Banking ¶
Greetings Fellow Asgardians.
The currency, money, finance questions are some of the most interesting to me in developing our nation.
I think the reasons are quite obvious.
1.) Space sounds expensive 2.) Space sounds expensive 3.) Space sounds expensive
That's my only serious qualm about this project. We are going to need SO MUCH MONEY to accomplish even a fraction of what we hope to.
I've been thinking about it long and hard.
I think I have come up with at least a partial solution to start cashflowwing fast, and hard.
Subscription Based: Online Co-op banking.
The idea is actually quite simple.
First, you need to have a Fantastic Online Banking Platform. - I have one in mind.
People have the option to open either a free account or a subscription account. where subscription accounts receive a higher interest rate up to 5%
Free accounts still make an impressive 1% - similar to some of the other "internet only banks" out there
There would also be tiers for the amount invested in the bank.
$0-99. - + 0.05% $100-$999. - + 0.1% $1000-$9999. - + 0.5% $10k - $99k. - + 1.0% $100k - $999k. - + 1.5% $1M plus - + 2.0%
For each tier you would make additional interest that is added to your account's base interest. (1-5%)
500,000 asgardians on the $1/mo co-op rate.
They would only need 1k in the bank to cover their subscription.
Plus they would make more money in interest by having more money in the bank. = happy bankers
6M per year from JUST Subscriptions.
I could go much more in depth, but i'all post a link to my google doc write up when it's don.
The $$ numbers start to make this thing look possible.