Sep 11, 18 / Sco 02, 02 17:09 UTC

Theme: Augmented Reality  

Today's theme has been posted! Augmented Reality: Worth it? 

Many industries from home improvement to banking to the industrial sector are embracing the use of augmented reality. Augmented reality has the power to enhance our lives by making it easier to visualize different products as well as making it easier to learn. 

Here's the full article: 

Do you think Augmented Reality will become a mainstream technology soon? Why?

Drop us a comment below!

  Last edited by:  Rebekah Berg (Asgardian, Lead Admin)  on Sep 11, 18 / Sco 02, 02 18:01 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Sep 15, 18 / Sco 06, 02 20:18 UTC

With the virtual or Augmented reality, it becomes very easy to go with the smarter technology, And the augmented virtuality is totally based on Artificial Intelligence, And with the help of [external Link Removed] you can get to know all the information related to augmented reality and its applications

  Last edited by:  Mariya Kudryavtseva (Asgardian, Member of the Parliament)  on Dec 6, 18 / Cap 04, 02 09:34 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times

Jan 26, 19 / Aqu 26, 03 09:16 UTC

Никто не хочет прыгать в параллельных мирах - просто представлять что-то.