Jan 5, 17 / Aqu 05, 01 03:54 UTC

What's VOA's Status?  

Hey guys, just wanted to provide you with an update on what we're doing in 2017.

Dylan Lanckman added a whole slew of new tunes to the rotation, you can find them directly by visiting our site and clicking on Music to show music tagged posts.

Erick Viana has done a fantastic job decorating VOA for the holidays, and now we're back with our spacey feel and original graphic content.

Ryan Zohar has been working on recruiting various key pieces to the administration, and going over resumes/interviews with interested candidates.

Focus for January: Develop content - we need content! Podcasts, broadcasts, music and various other forms of audible media are welcome. You can submit yours to: submissions@voicesofasgardia.com

Recruit Staff - A couple of candidates have been chosen to fill in key positions and aid in our development. More news on that soon.

Marketing development - We have a huge crowd to tap into, and we plan to do it. Stay tuned for more.

Polish our Brand - we want VOA to be YOUR source for everything Asgardia, but also for Space, and more importantly - for the future! Visit the feedback thread to send us your ideas on what we can do to be better.

Official Launch: No date set yet, once we have developed a bit further we will announce an official station launch to all of Asgardia, and beyond!

Thank you for your wonderful support, we could not do this without your interaction and support!


Feb 2, 17 / Pis 05, 01 19:02 UTC

Thanks for informaction

Regards Kashif

Feb 4, 17 / Pis 07, 01 16:03 UTC

Thankyou for the update i enjoy listerning to it daily, would like to see how many other asguardians are listerning aswell

Jul 7, 18 / Leo 20, 02 09:36 UTC

Hi, wanted to know if voicesofasgardia.com working? I got 404 page not found.

Jul 9, 18 / Leo 22, 02 07:53 UTC

@zloj currently, our website is not up and running. We took it down at the end of 2017 for maintenance and ran into some financial issues. We are proud to announce that we will soon be back up and running with a completely redesigned website, as well as some great new features to offer you all! Stay updated by following our updates thread found here: https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/voices-of-asgardia-143/topic/team-updates-10006/

  Last edited by:  Lukas Jones (Asgardian)  on Jul 9, 18 / Leo 22, 02 07:55 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Changed link to proper thread address