Oct 18, 23 / Oph 11, 07 13:29 UTC
Travel with Medical Insurance from an Asgardian Registered Company
No matter where you travel, medical travel insurance keeps you safe and gives you peace of mind. https://starsure.space/ Not your average credit card insurance, but real-world medical support for you and your family at very reasonable prices.
Oct 4, 23 / Sco 25, 07 09:00 UTC
Very good attendance at the Asgardia and Room booth
Oct 2, 23 / Sco 23, 07 08:58 UTC
Auditorium for 74th IAC
Beautifil space and fantastic opening ceremony.
Sep 30, 23 / Sco 21, 07 15:05 UTC
III Executive Congress
On our way to the executive congress in Baku
Sep 14, 23 / Sco 05, 07 14:12 UTC
Protection Services
Nobody touches my human. I will protect all access to him.
Jun 29, 23 / Leo 12, 07 19:31 UTC
asgardia trade
Updates to https://asgardia.trade Startup proposals and business ideas that have been made public by the proposers are available for view. Look under the "Services" menu option and selecting "view business proposals". Due to GDPR restrictions, only certain information is available publicly, but you can contact the proposer directly by clicking ...
Jun 18, 23 / Leo 01, 07 09:31 UTC
Voting for Asgardia Parliament
I have completed my voting for the new Asgardia parliament.
Jun 18, 23 / Leo 01, 07 14:28 UTC
Me too!
May 2, 23 / Gem 10, 07 15:12 UTC
https://starshop.space will be offline for 2 hours for maintenance to the servers. Type: Maintenance State: planned Start: 2022-05-02, 08:00 PM UTC Estimated end: 2022-05-02, 09:59 PM UTC Thank you for your understanding.
May 2, 23 / Gem 10, 07 20:02 UTC
Gracias por el aviso Ministro Dell se que va a superar las expectativas una vez hecho su mantenimiento, felicidades
Mar 26, 23 / Tau 01, 07 09:20 UTC
Asgardia Parliamentary Elections
We need all Asgardians to represent themself and their families and communities by standing for elections and participating in the Asgardia civic, economic and political life. Register your candidacy today https://asgardia.space/en/elections/parliamentary-elections/index
Mar 27, 23 / Tau 02, 07 20:52 UTC
I got the answer. just now from the news on the sitting of the new Parliament from this reference: https://asgardia.space/en/news/The-Date-of-the-First-Sitting-of-the-New-Asgardian-Parliament-Has-Been-Determined Now we know when the election will start and the sitting would be set in digital, now that is more than enough time to have everyone to promote their position. ...
Mar 27, 23 / Tau 02, 07 11:12 UTC
I am curious, if all 2023 Parliamentarians get elected, they would be meeting in person at Asgardia Vienna HQ for meet and greet or just digital event? I tried to remember that there was article about that?
Mar 27, 23 / Tau 02, 07 11:10 UTC
I know exactly how you feel, we wanted to see who we will be working with, then see what is their goal and plans may align with others. I truly hope that this year is the year of making plans/project a reality that can help Asgardia Space Nation grow strong ...
See all 6 comments
Dec 25, 22 / Cap 23, 06 20:49 UTC
MidJourney AI generated Space Habitats
AI in 2022 was amazing. Looking forward to 2023
Jul 18, 22 / Vir 03, 06 13:03 UTC
Mandela Day 2022
On 18 July every year, we are invited to mark Nelson Mandela International Day by making a difference in our communities. Everyone has the ability and the responsibility to change the world for the better! Mandela Day is an occasion for all to take action and inspire change. As Treasurer ...
Jan 29, 22 / Pis 01, 06 09:09 UTC
Asgardia Trade and Commerce
Hello Asgardians The Asgardia Trade and Commerce website has 5 registered businesses already. http://asgardia.trade/UK/registeredcompanies.awp Go and check out these businesses and if you have products and services to offer to Asgardians, consider registering your own business in Asgardia. Let us start to support each other in our business and personal ...
Jan 14, 22 / Aqu 14, 06 22:09 UTC
Being Asgardian
There is an old Greek proverb that reads, “A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.” Being Asgardian and creating the society we want for the future, is the reward that lifts up the soul.
Jan 19, 22 / Aqu 19, 06 12:33 UTC
Love them words of wisdom 🥰
Jan 16, 22 / Aqu 16, 06 21:49 UTC
Wishing you all the best in life:))
Aug 29, 21 / Lib 17, 05 12:09 UTC
Our beautiful earth
Just outside of our town, winter wheat and canola fields with a backdrop of the beautiful blue mountains and some snow... Best decision ever to come and settle in the Southern Cape region of South Africa Pictured just do not do the beauty an the grandeur any justice
Oct 16, 21 / Oph 09, 05 11:01 UTC
Thats one beautifull view
Aug 30, 21 / Lib 18, 05 16:50 UTC
beautiful country
Aug 29, 21 / Lib 17, 05 08:51 UTC
The beauty of earth
This is part of why i am in Asgardia - to protect the beauty of our home planet. Humanity needs to expand and that must be off our home planet, into the galaxy. This image is the sight this morning from my house.
Aug 30, 21 / Lib 18, 05 16:52 UTC
This is gorgeous. I don't want to climb the mountain's, but wow what a view.
Aug 29, 21 / Lib 17, 05 09:21 UTC
It's a beautiful view
Jun 20, 21 / Leo 03, 05 10:05 UTC
Even Gamers like Asgardia
Some friends on a semi Text Based game joining and also recruiting other Asgardians. Spread the word .... and help build Asgardia
Jun 20, 21 / Leo 03, 05 18:11 UTC
nice work... Here is a link to the SpaceX Docking Simulation Game, I would suggest you have him take a look at it and its source code on GitHub, it should be inspiring and helpful in further development..) https://iss-sim.spacex.com/
Jun 20, 21 / Leo 03, 05 12:54 UTC
yes . .this is the 5'th or so guy from that game that joined
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