Oct 31, 17 / Oph 24, 01 17:30 UTC

Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli participates in handing out the first UNESCO prize to four scientists and space specialists for their contribution to the development of space science.  

Hello Asgardia!

On October 27, 2017, Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli participated in handing out the first UNESCO prize to four scientists and space specialists for their contribution to the development of space science.

This years winners were:

Arnaldo Tamayo Mendez (Cuba) - Mr. Tamayo Mendez participated in the Soyuz-38 mission. He was the first man of African descent and the first Cuban in space.

Koichi Wakata (Japan) - The impressive 20-year experience in space flights allowed Mr. Wakata to become commander of the International Space Station, making him the first citizen of Japan to ever occupy this position.

Liwei Yan (People's Republic of China) - Mr. Yang was the first Chinese citizen in space aboard the Shenzhou-5. Currently, he is deputy director of the Office of Engineering Support for Manned Flight of China.

Valentina Tereshkova (Russian Federation) - Ms. Tereshkova was the first woman in space. Currently she is a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

You can find a full Russian article about it here: http://www.ashurbeyli.ru/media/article/yunesko-chetyre-vydayuschihsya-uchenyh-i-specialis-16958

Also we have video of part of the event here: https://youtu.be/Inwip9-tmcc

Also please see the attached pictures that were taken at the event! 

  Last edited by:  Rebekah Berg (Asgardian, Lead Admin)  on Oct 31, 17 / Oph 24, 01 17:31 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Nov 10, 17 / Sag 06, 01 12:09 UTC

That is excellent! Truly the space age continued. So glad people were awarded and recognized for their contributions. Glad to see more media coverage of Dr. Ashurbeyli.

Nov 18, 17 / Sag 14, 01 09:34 UTC


Dec 8, 17 / Cap 06, 01 02:19 UTC

interesting and great news for Space nation 

Dec 10, 17 / Cap 08, 01 02:07 UTC

Hola no entiendo nada . solo hablo el español. posdata no se que hago en esto si no entiendo , si no solucionan me salgo .

Dec 26, 17 / Cap 24, 01 21:11 UTC

there is some mistakes in my certificate, how can i edite it?

  Last edited by:  Gholamreza Soltani (Asgardian)  on Dec 26, 17 / Cap 24, 01 21:12 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jan 4, 18 / Aqu 04, 02 14:35 UTC

It is great to see the Space Nation being involved in internal recognition of champions of science and space!  Keep it up!  Also, it is great to see the Head of Nation, Dr. Ashurbeyli, out front.

Jun 28, 18 / Leo 11, 02 00:33 UTC

Interesante participacion. Felicidades!