Jan 18, 17 / Aqu 18, 01 20:00 UTC

Asgardia Certificates  

Greetings Fellow Asgardians!

The time has arrived!

Asgardia has begun sending Certificates of Asgardia today:


Please be patient for your email, or log onto "My Application" on the Asgardia.Space

Jan 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 00:08 UTC

Hi Alan thats very exciting news. I had a question if you dont mind. When i filled out my citizenship form i was on an old phone and unable to upload a photo.

Will this delay or cause any issues or will i just be able to add one when it comes. Thanks,

Andrew Gillard

Jan 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 00:26 UTC

HI Andrew,

This will not have any impact. The photo you speak of will potentially be used as an Avatar on the forums when this feature is rolled out.

Once the time comes for Asgardia to commence issuing official ID's (this will be quite some time as there are other things that need to happen before we can get to this stage) you will be asked to provide a passport quality photo.

So I encourage you to go ahead and get our Certificate of Asgardia right away!

I trust this answers your question.

  Last edited by:  Alan Player (Asgardian)  on Jan 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 00:32 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jan 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 07:56 UTC

Fantastic thanks Ryan!

Sorry for the off-topic question, but i was hoping to find out who to contact in regards too offering a small financial donation but most importantly some very recent breakthroughs in two particular areas of technology. One i wont mention here, the other being 3 different devices that are self-maining zero-point free energy device. Our teams most recent one has been very satisfying as the first two were based on powering/consumption of small devices. The latest is using a similar setup but could be built to power and supply constant energy (electricity) too a limitless sized area. Regards Andrew

Jan 19, 17 / Aqu 19, 01 23:10 UTC

Hi Andrew!

At the moment we are open to discuss new fresh ideas and welcome any input you may like to share with us. Could you share an overview or summary of your idea so that we may discuss it. Also, if it is possible to formalize a proposal, you can submit the plan and outlined proposal to citizens@asgardia.space for consideration. Let us know if you have any questions.