Feb 28, 17 / Ari 03, 01 22:45 UTC

Civic.Asgardia Weekly Report  

Greetings Fellow Asgardians!

Please see the Civic.Asgardia report for 26 February 2017


  Last edited by:  Alan Player (Asgardian)  on Feb 28, 17 / Ari 03, 01 22:47 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Mar 1, 17 / Ari 04, 01 13:43 UTC

To solve many of the problems you describe in the report, I think what we lack are journalists.

I define journalists as people who find information, have access to people in power but are not, themselves, in positions of power, and then disseminate the information to the public at large with as little to no bias as possible.

I have been trying to play the role but lack the whole 'access to people in power' bit. I only recently got onto the Discord Chat part so I am hoping to alleviate that problem.

Why is this in the Australia section of the forum and not in a more centralized location?

  Updated  on Mar 1, 17 / Ari 04, 01 13:45 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Mar 2, 17 / Ari 05, 01 15:08 UTC

Well the idea of a group ou scientists/professionals to direct ours ideas, but i think we need to begin to filter the ideas or topic i have already seen at least 30 topics about monetary system,17 topics about cryptocurrency, 20 topics about religious issues and so on ..... what we need 1 topic for every subject .... well i am not Complaining about the ideas but there various topics with same idea,with the same vision and the same discussion , i think we can optimize this by doing MOD/ADM discussion post about ideas that are discussed over and over

Mar 6, 17 / Ari 09, 01 04:19 UTC

@Phicksur, This report is circulated in various areas and platforms. It has also been posted here for those who specifically look at the Australia Forum.

May 2, 17 / Gem 10, 01 01:40 UTC

@AlanP - please contact me off forum on my public email p_bellamy at hotmail dot com.

I just want to discuss some off topic thoughts thanks.