Dec 20, 16 / Cap 19, 00 23:02 UTC
Asgardia: A Self sustaining Atmosphere ¶
As the nation of Asgardia develops, how should the internal biosphere of the nation be composed? The environments oxygen supply should be self sustaining through use of various tree species such as Aspen and Oak trees. A single mature tree can absorb carbon dioxide at a rate of 48 lbs./year and release enough oxygen back into the atmosphere to support two human beings which means large quantities of trees would be needed. Other plant species that may produce a suitable atmosphere inside of the station also include; Ferns, particularly the Japanese Royal Fern, not only release oxygen into the air but also absorb formaldehyde. The Boston fern is noted for adding oxygen and humidity to indoor air. Gerbera Daisy will purify and boost the oxygen level of the air while you sleep at night, making this plant a great choice for bedrooms. Other indoor plants considered highly efficient in oxygen production and air purification include Heartleaf Philodendron, Snake Plant, Spider Plant, Chinese Evergreen and Golden Pothos. What are your thoughts on the plant species needed to be involved in creating a self-sustaining atmosphere? (This subject is also involved with Physical sciences. I chose to post it here do to the main biological concept of flora and not the atmosphere itself as the main subject of discussion).