Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 02:52 UTC
Asgardia: An Interest in the field of Botany ¶
How many people on these forums want to pursue a career in botany, in Asgardia?
Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 02:52 UTC
How many people on these forums want to pursue a career in botany, in Asgardia?
Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 03:26 UTC
I'm interested, although I'm no botonist I do have a love for plants. It would be a great idea to learn from the whole Biosphere 2 experiment that was done a couple decades ago and expand on that.
Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 08:41 UTC
I am a biologist, and botanic study with emphasis on unconventional edible and medicinal plants. I have a great collection in my house. I know I can contribute.
Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 08:50 UTC
I do not buy more vegetables, because the plants I collected grow naturally in my garden without even taking care of myself
Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 12:39 UTC
I am actually going to school for botany and plant genetics. This is very interesting to me and would love to help in anyway that I can.
Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 03:09 UTC
I'm glad to be seeing others that are interested in this field. Asgardia will depend on you one day for agricultural and oxygen supply.
Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 09:26 UTC
Count me in too, it's a fundamental topic for both food and pharmaceutical purposes
Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 17:20 UTC
Si, es imprescindible poseer el desarrollo para cultivar como forma de alimentación, producciones de oxígeno y otros gases aprovechable todo en un círculo continuo... Me interesa el tema y comenzaré a preparar mi laboratorio para una zona en similar a la gravedad 0... Iré dando detalles, mientras si alguien tiene alguna pregunta o ideas para sugerir, gracias Asgardianos
Yes, it is essential to possess the development to cultivate as a form of food, oxygen production and other gases usable all in a continuous circle ... I am interested in the subject and I will start to prepare my laboratory for a zone similar to gravity 0 ... I will give details, while if anyone has any questions or ideas to suggest, thank you Asgardians
Dec 26, 16 / Cap 25, 00 19:02 UTC
I'm currently doing undergraduate research in plant biochemistry. My fields of interest are ethnobotany and ethnopharmacology.
Dec 27, 16 / Cap 26, 00 19:43 UTC
Voy obteniendo datos, empezé el experimento con lechugas, soja y lentejas, por lo rápido de su crecimiento. Las metí en diversos acuarios al vacio insuflando CO2 y oxígeno al 0'5 %, el resultado es una concentración masiva de oxígeno y metano fácilmente separables por peso. Respecto a las plantas, estas desarrollan sus células de forma desordenada, de momento las lechugas crecen las hojas en forma triangular y alargada, al contrario de la terrestre que es ancha y corta. Seguiré informando dejando un dato a tener en cuenta, un arbol de porte medio (10/12 metros) de follaje medio, produce 1m2 / dia de oxígeno puro, nosotros solo necesitamos un escaso 21%. Gracias por todo
Dec 30, 16 / Cap 29, 00 03:20 UTC
If anyone is interested in cultivating medical marijuana for an Asgardian mental health clinic, let me know through a profile message.
Jan 2, 17 / Aqu 02, 01 18:34 UTC
Soy estudiante de Biologia , seria un orgullo servir en las investigaciones de botanica para el pueblo de asgardia
I am a student of Biology, it would be a pride to serve in botanical research for the people of Asgardia
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- Jason Rainbow 03 January 2017 @ 04:48 am
Jan 9, 17 / Aqu 09, 01 20:21 UTC
He de confesar que las lentejas siguen un crecimiento anómalo, aunque se ve el fruto, crecen pegadas al hidroponico. Las lechugas estaban buenisimas, no pude medir de forma precisa los gases pues la pecera donde creia explotó,.
He to confess that the lentils follow an anomalous growth, although the fruit is seen, grow glued to the hydroponic. The lettuces were great, I could not accurately measure the gases for the fish tank where I believed exploded,.
This post has been translated using Google Translate ( Please keep this in mind that this forum uses English as a base language at this moment, however you are able to use your native language in the Regional( forum that applies to you.
- Stephen De Rosa 31 August 2017 @ 11:37 am UTC