Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 04:01 UTC

Can we survive seperation from Earth?  

Our evolution has created a beautiful working biological machine my worry is that we are symbiotic to everything on our planet Earth and we have seen poor results when you isolate species from their natural environment.

Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 09:25 UTC

Humans are more advanced than the other species on Earth, i think it would be easier for us to settle in a new environment. To be honest we will miss our lovely planet if somehow we will leave it behind.

Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 22:07 UTC

Yes, in fact we may survive within a space environment too well. Living in spaces for long amounts of time changes us physiologically and physically, but in the more physical aspect of such; living in space tends to have an even more extreme affects than earth, especially under the plan of actually occupying it for day to day life. First runs the issue of our bodies losing bone mass and muscle atrophy as we now use our legs (and other muscles) much less, thus leading to near continual exercise to counteract such. The heart works harder to pump blood throughout the body as it doesn't have gravity to orient the blood flow, and the brain will begin to tell the body to make less fluids because the lack of gravity makes it believe that the body has fluids than it should (for what reason I forget). This will be of no issue if we make artificial gravity upon the station. There are other theories I have, but I don't think those would be of much issue either.

Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 01:08 UTC

Yes, we can survive separation from Earth because we must. The cosmos has some harsh rules that must be followed. Sol will die, Earth will die. Long before that, there will be super volcanoes, and even sooner some catastrophes of our own making. The big cosmic rule is: march or die. It's time to start packing up for a long journey.

Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 03:04 UTC

The answer to your question, simply put, is yes. As long as the environment of Asgardia can simulate that of Earths, then there should be no problem.

Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 13:03 UTC

I think the question is not whether we can survive or not, but whether we can grow and develope in space, as individuals -biologically- and as a population -ecologically-. No pregnancy has ever been carried out in space, of course, but I understand the intent of the question is hypothetical. As long as we somewhat get rid of

a) Radiation

b) Microgravity


c) Aberrant circadian rythms

I think we will be fine. And all of those can be dealt with by using current technology.

Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 14:55 UTC

Add to those bone density loss and heavy cerebrospinal fluid pressure unfortunately :/

Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 15:59 UTC

Don't those happen because of microgravity? A rotating habitat would provide acceleration, and thus get rid of cerebrospinal pressure, bone density loss and dehydration from excessive urine production, right?

Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 16:28 UTC

Ah sorry, I haven't read the assumption of presence of gravity

Dec 24, 16 / Cap 23, 00 13:08 UTC

The microflora of all time should be synchronized with the Earth's different in a few decades will be the direct contact is not possible. It is necessary to explore.

Jan 4, 17 / Aqu 04, 01 03:46 UTC

if we can create an environment . Specific gravity of food, energy ..... I think we can take care of us without having to Earth (gg Translate )

Jan 11, 17 / Aqu 11, 01 08:09 UTC

Hi Dirk! This is a very good idea. We should test how plants grow in space an how we can make their growth optimal. This way we could create a sort of greenhouse for humans. (In the sense that it would be an artificially created ecosystem).

Jan 12, 17 / Aqu 12, 01 17:12 UTC

Certainly we can survive if we change ourselves in some way. That depends on main goal - primary live in space or live in space until reach new planet. Anyway some modifications of our organisms (using genetics or artificial organs etc.) is essential. We can't build complete "clone" of the Earth with all its properties in space, specially if talking about deep space where gravity force from other planets is minimum and a lot of all kinds of radiation.

Jan 14, 17 / Aqu 14, 01 00:55 UTC

Well I have a heart condition. More like a nerve issue if you ask me but I was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse. Which is not so serious and definitely not life threating to my knowledge. I'm sure there are people like me who would have concerns for my own well-being and safety. first of all , will everyone be able to go to space? And live on a colony orbiting the earth. Something tells me. Not everyone would be able to. I wish everyone could and like someone said here, as long as we can mimic the earths environment as much as possible such as artificial gravity we should not have a problem. I have a lot of theories on how we can mimic earth. Whether it is plausable or not is another thing. I think if we all wear special shoes that have some sort of magnetics. I'm sure we won't have to deal with flying about and losing muscle mass and bone mass. oh I'm under weight and not necessarily my fault either so I am not in a great position to lose mass in any way whatsoever. I think we should all take a step at a time and not rush anything.. we have to do a hella a lot of research and testing to make sure the space colony is even safe to live on for long periods of time.

Jan 14, 17 / Aqu 14, 01 01:01 UTC

Also. Lets all be reasonable but also optimistic in this field. I am sure humans can quickly adapt like we always do on earth.