hi AnkudinovIV! I am truly sorry for this inconvenience, but it is considered advertising, as bigred is promoting indirectly his suppliers for the equipment you need.
This is only a personal analysis: I read that you are quite aware of the size of the project, and in addiction to mass balance and device yeld, you have to measure the ratio of single point mutations in space, byproducts, growth curve and so on to make sure you produce an harmless product, so don't focus simply on leds, you need at least two well equipped laboratories: a physics one and a microbial one, and this is something that requires a very specific market, which would be unavoidably translated in advertising.
my suggestion is to submit the project to projects@asgardia.space and, once approved, ask directly to the admins for authorized resources that can give you equipment (if you need that). Here is a guide on how making an effective proposal