@SyafrizaBakri - what in the world are you doing editing my post and removing a PUBLIC email address?
And @shaneWatt why are you involved in the discussion, it is none of your business?
The whole point of a community is for people to get together and BE a community. I believe you will find that it was Lena who encouraged people to contact each other outside of the on-line forums. This cannot be done if you actively stop people from posting ways to communicate with each other.
Please do not start trying to quote me nonsense about privacy laws or statements. I personally posted my public address to ensure that a member of the community was helped towards something he is trying to do to forward the ideals and projects within Asgardia. That makes it my responsibility not yours.
You are misguided in your thinking and incorrect in your actions, which are against my personal private wishes. Your actions prompt me to go as far as to say I believe you have very little experience and very little knowledge of the real world, any countries privacy laws or the real reasons why forums such as this are necessary in a project like Asgardia. I applaud the enthusiasm and desire of the volunteers and the ability to give up their time to help. However you are not the administration of Asgardia and you are not helping when you stop people from being involved in a community externally from this forum. This forum is not the correct media for discussion of the level of detail necessary for something like @ankudinovIV is trying to expedite - off forum is the only way to get to that level of detail. This forum is only one area where things of Asgardia can be discussed.
You are imposing yourselves as a "doorman" to block such interaction. Why you would even want to do that is beyond me, although it usually points to an over-inflated self-view of a person's own importance. You are moderators of language, abusiveness and keeping people on topic so the forums don't devolve into useless trivia. your "position" involves nothing more than that. I would implore you to stop putting yourselves forward as arbiters of what is good for Asgardia and what is not. Those things are not your decisions to make. Your actions and answers made without knowledge are more damaging to the image of Asgardia than you understand. If Ashardia is to be taken seriously then it must put forward a coherent, knowledgeable, legal, sensible, unemotional position and image. It cannot be seen to be a bunch of un-knowledgeable crackpots who's public face is run by people who see themselves up as arbiters of right and wrong - especially if they act and speak without knowledge.
I am putting the email address back on my post with full understanding of what I am doing. There is nothing illegal or anti-asgardia about my posts and you are NOT in a position to edit them unless they are abusive. Please do not edit my posts without my permission again.
If you wish to take this up personally with me (which is the correct way rather than publicly on this forum) then you can contact me on the email address I posted here.