I just want to say there is an incongruence in 'my application' form, in order to receive the 'Certificate of Asgardia'.
In 'Personal Information' you can read: 'Enter your name in English'.
My name is Alessandro, and in English is Alexander.
In the same section 'Personal Information' you ask: 'Enter your name as it appears on your identity document (if not English)'.
In my identity document, my name is Alessandro.
If I follow your suggestions and put Alexander (my name in English), the 'Certificate of Asgardia' will arrive with name Alexander, instead of Alessandro, so I must change my name in English to the same of Italian (i.e. Alessandro) and this make vane and even dangerous this first section of 'Personal Information' -> 'Enter your name in English'.
OK, with 'Enter your name in English' you intended 'Enter your name In Latin characters', if not.