Jun 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 16:16 UTC
Changing profile picture and putting in candidate nomination ¶
The site will not allow me to change my profile picture, it freezes up or simply refuses to accept another picture. It also had a very hard time putting in my correct address in my candidate form, which I had to fill out several times before it would accept it. Also, when I look on the page where you're supposed to go and vote for your favorite candidate - so I can get the link for mine and share it so others can vote for me, I could not find myself at all. Most of the time, the filter does not work. I went to update my candidate profile and it keeps putting in the wrong address, I live on Andrews Street, not Pearl Avenue
Last edited by:
Bridget Kielas-Fecyk
(Asgardian, Candidate, Member of the Parliament)
on Jun 16, 17 / Can 27, 01 16:40 UTC,
Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Bugs in the Candidate Nomination page
Reason: Bugs in the Candidate Nomination page