Feb 12, 18 / Pis 15, 02 20:44 UTC
Local Business Networking ¶
I have been intrigued by the amount of interest in each field of development within Asgardia. Sadly though it seems, the business perspective is falling out. International business may simply take a long time to weed out but I have a temporary solution. Anyone currently operating a business should still market here even if it is only local. We should create a lightly discounted network attempting to connect relevant business interests and to share strategies. I have recently started a general contracting business specializing in water damage restoration and mold remediation. It is only operating within SW Washington, US. In the case that there are others in the area who read this, I offer discounted service to all Asgardian citizens and their family upon verification. If there were suppliers I could connect with, all the better. Although I doubt this will have much fruition immediately, creating localized networks could be the first economic step to uniting the citizens on a real level. I am interested in hearing what everyone thinks of this and if you operate a business that you can network please post relevant info as well.
Lucid Home Restoration - [link removed]
General Contracting - Water/Mold Restoration / Available for other contracting work upon request.
Located: Vancouver, WA, USA | Services SW Washington area
Reason: Link was removed as it's considered advertising. Removed by Denise Blair 04 May 2018 @06:05