Aug 5, 17 / Vir 21, 01 15:03 UTC
2017年7月19日Asgardia在Facebook上举办的线上交流会(附中文版文字稿) ¶
2017年7月19日,阿斯伽迪亚NGO负责人Lene De Winne在Facebook与大家进行了直播交流会,解答了一系列大家近期有疑惑的热点问题,包括延长公投的原因、公投计票系统等问题。文字稿:
On July 19, 2017, Lena De Winne, Director, NGO Asgardia started a livestream on Facebook for answering questions from Asgardians, including the reason why the voting was expanded and how the voting system functions and so on. For Chinese translation script, click here:
Original video: