Feb 1, 17 / Pis 04, 01 20:59 UTC

Special Committee: Asgardia Mobile Application Development - Community Input  

Hello Asgardians!

Civic.Asgardia is spearheading several initiatives and creating a proposal for a mobile application for the Asgardian community is one of them.

From February 1- 28, 2017 we are opening up the floor to community input on what features you would like to see in a mobile app for Asgardians.

When the suggestion period closes, we will be opening up spaces on the committee to put together the proposal for the application which will be submitted to Asgardia Official for their approval.

Please keep your suggestions constructive and the discussion on topic and lively but remember to be civil and respectful of your fellow Asgardians.

Let’s hear your voices!

Kind regards,
Rebekah Berg, Lead Community Administrator, Asgardia

Feb 1, 17 / Pis 04, 01 21:36 UTC

Good evening, interesting and comprehensive mobile app would be such an app that is able to give you the latest news but the first thing bases its operation on the consultation restaurants that are as asgardian duty

Feb 1, 17 / Pis 04, 01 22:06 UTC

This is something that needs to grow as asgardia grows. I suggest to start with a simple feed function that takes news from the site and a chat for asgardians

Feb 1, 17 / Pis 04, 01 22:19 UTC

It preserves the characteristics of the official site and has as a priority the notification of any action related to publications to which each one of us has subscribed, that under the account - profile of each citizen a biography with general data and a photograph of it is generated. Not chat, this is a means of participation, not private communication. In general this is my proposal on the subject.

Feb 1, 17 / Pis 04, 01 22:22 UTC

I don't see any need for an Asgardia Mobile App. And again: Please don't run step 2 when step 1 is not done.

Feb 1, 17 / Pis 04, 01 22:29 UTC

"This is something that needs to grow as asgardia grows. I suggest to start with a simple feed function that takes news from the site and a chat for asgardians" - Soikiro

Agreed. Better start small.

"It preserves the characteristics of the official site and has as a priority the notification of any action related to publications to which each one of us has subscribed, that under the account - profile of each citizen a biography with general data and a photograph of it is generated." - Issael

The notification part is interesting, about official publications. About the biography, shouldn't be required. Same goes for the photograph, many will prefer to use avatars.

  Last edited by:  Ambroise Dhenain (Asgardian, Translator)  on Feb 1, 17 / Pis 04, 01 22:30 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Feb 1, 17 / Pis 04, 01 22:41 UTC

Hi everyone,

Whole chatting is not cool as Interaction for now, So I've think we'll make it Informative, as we're starting up Country,

Our Needs:

// e-Citizen Login // 1. ID / email / pw 1a. Forgot pw / 2. Apply for new Citizenship Form 2a. Referring ID 2b. Referring Relation (maybe wife) 2c. Results..

// User Settings // 1. Add/Update Information (we'll be needing new information in a time from users)

// Notices // 1. notices should includes "tags" / 2. Users can "follow tags" to get notified by only interested ones.

// Tasks // 1. "eg: Flag Design" Rules + Deadline 1a. Semi - Results 1b. Voting 1c. Finals

// Ministries // 1. Needs List for every Ministry one by one.. 1a. Needs Tags 1b. Upvoting Needs 1c. Top Needs lists (by vote sorting) //

I've think this is enough for first public beta. v1.0


Emir E. Uckan / Productivity Designer

  Last edited by:  EMIR UCKAN (Asgardian)  on Feb 1, 17 / Pis 04, 01 22:48 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times

Feb 1, 17 / Pis 04, 01 22:45 UTC

Of course it will not be mandatory to upload a photo to the biography but consider that it has a citizenship ID and that your general information was provided by each of you, I do not see the sense to hide your identity but those who prefer it may refrain from uploading A photo to their respective accounts. And I would like to add as a proposal that: the ID is the password to access your accounts through the app in conjunction with your email addresses.

Feb 1, 17 / Pis 04, 01 22:53 UTC

There is a solution that could merge at least two topics. A dedicated asgardian browser could provide feeds, manage asgardian accounts, provide funds as it enters in the market and points to desired pages (imagine search engines for training purposes)

Feb 1, 17 / Pis 04, 01 23:10 UTC

The application should work logged to the member, providing all registration data and updates, forum messages, send notifications and news, have some kind of communication between members as a kind of internal "Facebook", a social network members can discuss About future projects and events, have a channel of direct communication to the responsible superiors.

Feb 1, 17 / Pis 04, 01 23:29 UTC


  • Would be nice if the app has some interface that shows if there are Asgardians nearby. I mean, it does not need a GPS precision location, just an interface to connect nearby Asgardians. Maybe, has some Asgardian next to me and I don't know.

  • If in the future, Asgardia will need some documents or tasks that Asgardians must to do/send, a Check List interface would improve the process. Let me know if you need some help to build the App, I can help.

Thanks Felipe

Feb 1, 17 / Pis 04, 01 23:29 UTC


  • Would be nice if the app has some interface that shows if there are Asgardians nearby. I mean, it does not need a GPS precision location, just an interface to connect nearby Asgardians. Maybe, has some Asgardian next to me and I don't know.

  • If in the future, Asgardia will need some documents or tasks that Asgardians must to do/send, a Check List interface would improve the process. Let me know if you need some help to build the App, I can help.

Thanks Felipe

Feb 1, 17 / Pis 04, 01 23:36 UTC

Well after the post of my co-citizen monimen or Emir E. Uckan, I do not see much to add for the moment or maybe in the future a link to find the nearest Asgardian office or embassy. Just make sure to use the java table for this app that will grant access to everyone even without of I phone or android. Then I just repeat as the best I see is:

// e-Citizen Login // 1. ID / email / pw 1a. Forgot pw / 2. Apply for new Citizenship Form 2a. Referring ID 2b. Referring Relation (maybe wife) 2c. Results..

// User Settings // 1. Add/Update Information (we'll be needing new information in a time from users)

// Notices // 1. notices should includes "tags" / 2. Users can "follow tags" to get notified by only interested ones.

// Tasks // 1. "eg: Flag Design" Rules + Deadline 1a. Semi - Results 1b. Voting 1c. Finals

// Ministries // 1. Needs List for every Ministry one by one.. 1a. Needs Tags 1b. Upvoting Needs 1c. Top Needs lists (by vote sorting) //

I've thought this is enough for the first public beta. v1.0

and I also give you my best regard.

  Last edited by:  sylvain bradford (Candidate, Asgardian)  on Feb 1, 17 / Pis 04, 01 23:38 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Feb 1, 17 / Pis 04, 01 23:41 UTC

Revenue can be made through advertisement in the app.

If the right strategy is applied, the app could be self sufficient and in the longer run generate an income.

I have one question though.

Is this app an official asgardian project or a civic asgardian project?

Feb 2, 17 / Pis 05, 01 01:21 UTC

As a Software engineering student and an android developer I would like to participate in this project. I do have all the background needed to build an android project and maintain the back end.

  Last edited by:  Mohammed Al Safwan (Asgardian)  on Feb 3, 17 / Pis 06, 01 15:58 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time