@Buck Rogers
Excepting the fact that this process has switched from ratifying a draft constitution to accepting the Constitution as terms of citizenship. Leadership has decided to "continue the voting", but there is no voting. It's only "I Accept", and we know that not to be a voting process.
Which means if a citizen didn't vote during the voting period, it's counted as No, or at least Abstain, which doesn't exist so it's also a No vote. Strictly speaking, that is if laws, decrees, etc. hold any weight or credibility at all (jury is still out on that) in this process, the official vote to ratify has ended. Bolstered by the ongoing changes Lena spoke of. If you wish to be tripped up in a the ambiguous interchangeable language and concepts of either voting for or ratifying of, be my guest. But official language remains unchanged.
The voting has ended and despite what you may believe, the draft Constitution, for all intents and purposes, has already been adopted by the leadership. In direct contradiction to all applicable documents on the matter. Perhaps you don't yet see or understand it, but there is no rule of law here. It's only whatever they decide is in their best interests.