Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 23:07 UTC
Alternative government system ¶
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this but the forums are unreliable at the moment so here it is.
Please take the time to read the entire post if you wish to comment. I encourage constructive criticism and discussion.
Good day,
Can someone please address my question.
Why do we need any formal government at all?
My reasoning:
By having volunteer committies, where any citizen is able to volunteer, to no limit. Committiee meetings would be held in an open public chambers for any to attend.
Meetings would be video broadcast to the entire ship, should Citizens wish to tune in and follow.
Speakers at the meetings are given 5 minutes each to present their argument on scheduled topics.
After speaker presentations, all decisions are put to a vote, available in real time to the entire ship, open to all that choose to vote.
Votes are open for a period of 6 hours where all citizens can take the time to openly discuss the topics and make their decision abd cast their vote.
During the voting period, committee volunteers who wish to open a new topic for the next committee meeting would submit a digital form, outlining their proposal to the other committee members for review. Those proposals are then the voted on topics for the next meeting and the person that submitted the proposal is again the speaker and the cycle repeats.
Once the vote is complete, the majority rules and the decision is made but if a citizen strongly opposes the decision, they can collect 1000 signatures to appeal the decision. If appealed, the citizen who files the appeal must submit the alternitive proposal to the other members to schedule their chance to speak and put the alternative to a vote.
Please note that I am aware that this explanation is oversimplified and that many other big and innovative changes need to be made in order for this to work but I assure you that I have accounted for those changes and am willing to openly and constructively discuss those issues and come up with solutions.
Why I am so passionate about this idea?
Eliminates corruption at every political level
Gives all citizens who wish to partisapate, an equal voice.
Full 100% transparency And accountability
Reactive, immediate policy change to reflect immediate needs.
No costly and disruptive electoral campaigns with broken promises, destructive propaganda
No chance of hidden political agenda because rather than voting on a party with hopes of them representing your best interests, you represent your best interests.
No inflated government salaries, eliminating financial motivation in political policy.
No division of Left and Right
Not having to choose the lessor of 2 evils.
This idea is not perfect but if you look at all the forms of government on earth today, none of them are working and the world in in chaos. We have here, the greatest opportunity in the history of civilization, to hit reset and truly guid humanity into the future. Repeating old mistakes in insanity.
Please open your mind and realize that every idea was New once and with a collaboration of minds like ours, we can make a system like this work and become the blueprint for a truly advanced civilization .
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I welcome your ideas, questions and criticism. After all, that's why we're here isn't it?
Terry Foster