I want this issue foreseen in the constitution.

Total number of votes: 1

100% Yes

0% No

Nov 21, 17 / Sag 17, 01 18:33 UTC


Looking at history we can see that great civilizations and evolved democracies have been degraded by nepotism and corruption. Should not a modern, democratic constitution prohibit any practice of nepotism and corruption and compel laws to be written in clear language understood by ordinary citizens? I see no other way to prevent some government elites from thinking of themselves as more citizens than others and seeking exceptional treatment. I  want this issue foreseen in the constitution.

Nov 21, 17 / Sag 17, 01 18:51 UTC

"I see no other way to prevent some government elites from thinking of  themselves as more citizens than others and seeking exceptional  treatment"

It has already happened. Don't you understand that "Asgardia" is just a website forum and that "mods" have absolute power over you, and the Great Dictator of Asgardia sits around and passes Decrees for you to follow.

Thank you for being a little more awake than some other "Asgardians" I have spoken with. I appreciate that.

Nov 21, 17 / Sag 17, 01 19:44 UTC

All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

@patrick it takes time to decide if someone is using social camouflage or if they drank the koolaid for real.

Maybe that’s why there are so few active citizens?

Nov 21, 17 / Sag 17, 01 19:49 UTC

"Maybe that’s why there are so few active citizens?"

BINGO! - It takes a special person with very special psychological needs to actually go "all in" on something as ridiculous as a "Space Nation".

Nov 21, 17 / Sag 17, 01 20:00 UTC

Actually I’m surprised there aren’t more. There are some pretty crazy religious beliefs..

Per project for later... Start an Asgardia national religion. 

That will fit RIGHT IN - might even make things better. 

Adherents get to feel superior to unbelievers... Adherents will be tasked as converting as many as possible and we might even wind up with a Theocracy.

There’s an old adage “People get the systems they deserve, not the systems they need” ;-)

Nov 21, 17 / Sag 17, 01 20:32 UTC

This is interesting...


Types of Membership

The members of the Association are divided into ordinary, extraordinary and Honorary members:

Full members

Full members are those who participate fully in the work of the association and in the scientific work. Full membership fee is 15,000 (fifteen thousand) Euro. Fee is charged to the member once the decision to grant membership is taken.

Extraordinary members

Extraordinary members are individuals, legal persons and entities that promote the association's activities mainly through donations or support through donations. These do not have any other obligations and no voting rights, they promote the association's activities mainly through payment of an increased membership fee. Membership fee in defined on a case-by-case basis.

© 2017 Copyright beta version "Asgardia NGO". All rights reserved (Terms and conditions).

That's right!!!

Full membership fee is 15,000 (fifteen thousand) Euro

The picture is becoming much clearer now, isn't it?