May 26, 17 / Can 06, 01 02:30 UTC
Which Constitution would you want, if you had to choose today? ¶
If you were given only these choices and had to vote today, which Constitution would you be most comfortable to live under?
• Asgardia.Space - Constitutional Monarchy
• Asgardia.Constitution.Proposal.txt - Democratic Technocracy
• The Skieswanne Constitution - Democratic Parliamentary System
Please select your choice and discuss your motivations for your choice.
** IT has occurred to me that some of you on mobile devices with non-modern web browsers may not get the best viewing experience for reading my proposed draft. Please see this link for the raw text version:
You may also be interested in the ongoing poll for the type of government: What is the type of governement that you want?
For the current poll on the type/name of currency, click here: What is the currency what you want for asgardia?
(Please note that both of these polls will be closed by May 28, 2017.)
Reason: Added 3rd option from Skieswanne; added link to government type poll. added link to currency poll; added raw text link to Democratic Technocracy Constitution