Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 11:52 UTC

Depict and resource links  

digital art is an interest I have. I have been following Depict since it was funded $3.3million by Jan 2016 It is interesting as the concept is rental of art on a 4k screen/frame.

I will give the link to the site so we can enjoy what they have to offer :} but I will also link the crowdfunding site which gives more detail and the manner of offering the project , something that Asgardia may want to consider when it comes to revenue/funding requirements

"Why it’s a big deal: Depict is doing for art what iTunes and the iPod did for music. This MIT team has designed the foundation of a new digital art economy. Depict could be the dominant platform where famous artists and galleries sell digital art, young talent gets discovered, wealthy collectors build million dollar collections, and the rest of us access the beautiful world of high art for the first time. "

and an active resource site

  Last edited by:  Gary Baltao (Asgardian)  on Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 11:54 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 18:35 UTC

Interesting concept.

Dec 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 17:30 UTC

I love art but if I hear revenue then i become more happy, but not digital art alone, all at in in general can generate easy money for Asgardia and beside the artist are here in Asgardia already. Asgardia also need to spend money on their artist, like providing them what they need for their art and they can get good art work for them but will give Asgardia good money.

Dec 24, 16 / Cap 23, 00 06:32 UTC

All the talk of money over art, and the final paragraph put me right off.

iTunes and the iPod just made listening to MP3s more expensive and clunkier to use. Personal digital media players were already a thing. Cheaper and with more storage. They just didn't have a snappy name. iTunes has never caught up with Winamp, which is prettier or more geeky (free skins), capable of playing any audio format (free plugins), has VJ quality visualisers (free plugins) can talk to most media players, inc. Apple devices, and does not ever try to replicate or delete your music without you making it happen. Winamp is also smaller.

iTunes just brought a shop into the equation because Apple wanted a slice of a massive pie they did not have. In the meantime Apple pay miserable amounts to independent artists, and fail to promote them, consistently promoting the mega-buck artists that don't really need it.

Art often requires funding to happen but if the quote you used is accurate, this just seems to be using art to gain wealth, at which point the art is prostituted. It is still art, but tainted by greed.