Jan 16, 17 / Aqu 16, 01 00:03 UTC
The first step of the Asgardia's Economy ¶
Hello everyone! For first excuse me for the bad english but I have an idea for the first steps of the economy of our new nation. I think it is necessary to set up a network of companies led by our citizens, who will donate some of the profits obtained in the State in order to obtain funding for research and the achievement of the first space travel of Asgardia, and perhaps the first colonization of planets in a short space of time. Obviously not all the Asgardians have the opportunity to set up businesses, so I think, it is useful to set up a kind of inward investment market, where every citizen can view the aspiring entrepreneur Asgardian business projects, and decide which project finance. In return for an undertaking which will be considered as an excellent investment choice and reaches the threshold required by the entrepreneur will undertake to pay a sum of profits to asgardia as mentioned above. How much money will be in proportion to the turnover that the company generates. In my opinion also the small business must be encouraged. Having said that we should set up a special institution that checks the authenticity and validity of business ideas as well as check the correct contribution of the various activities set up for this purpose and you should as soon as possible to fix the accounting principles to be used, as each Asgardian firm can arise anywhere in the world and the controllers must have the budgets and standardized reference document globally. having said the financing enterprises must be voluntary and no claims against associated entrepreneur. The latter can also use a distinctive brand specially created to indicate that its activity is Asgardian. I think this project will produce a big advantage to us Asgardian, and Asgardia it self also because we will live on a job offered by our beloved countrymen. Let me know what you Think about this idea. Best Regards Roberto Apicella.