Jun 23, 17 / Leo 06, 01 07:28 UTC

Re: Academy of Asgardia  

Do Asgardians have a way to submit official petitions like this yet?

Jun 23, 17 / Leo 06, 01 12:55 UTC

Академия-лучше чем Университет. Поэтому Вас поддерживаю без промедления. типовая структура типового устава известна. зачем здесь это? Прямо давайте свой ВАРИАНТ Устава (Положения) и будем двигать.

Academy-better than the University. Therefore, I support you without delay. a typical structure of a typical known statute. Why is this? Just let us his version of the Charter (Regulations) and will move.

Admin Edit: Providing translation via google translate


  Last edited by:  Jason Rainbow (Global Mod, Asgardian, Global Admin)  on Jun 23, 17 / Leo 06, 01 13:54 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Providing English Translation

Jul 1, 17 / Leo 14, 01 17:44 UTC

В системе аттестации и сертификации членов Академии Асгардии применяется   

©«Модуль оценки естественных знаний и аттестации по системе В.И.Вернадского» (сокр. Модуль оценки  по Вернадскому)

®"Assessment Module natural knowledge and certification in Vernadsky" (abbreviated assessment module according to Vernadsky)

©Автор-Оноприенко Владимир Иванович, академик Ноосферной Общественной Академии Наук (НООАН)

®Author-Onoprienko Vladimir, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Public Noosphere

Универсальный модуль объективно устанавливаемого авторства и независимой оценки новаций любого рода и свободной аттестации людей творческого труда на базе замкнутой цепочки удостоверения авторских прав с помощью подтверждения их компетенциями специализированных институциональных единиц Ноосферы в целях практического применения ноосферной методологии В.И.Вернадского и в России, и за рубежом.

«Модуль оценки по Вернадскому» абсолютно освобождает процедуры аттестаций от субъективности оценки новаторства (новизны), формалистского подхода в решении вопроса соответствия научного, педагогического и прочего стажа и объема публикаций, обеспечивает уверенную идентификацию подлинности выдаваемых сертификатов.

Сертификаты «Модуля по Вернадскому» обеспечены международными авторскими регистрациями, что наделяет их свойствами международных свидетельств эквивалентности в странах цивилизованного Мира.

По большому счету «Модуль оценки по Вернадскому» обеспечивает стимулирующее воздействие на привлекательность общественно полезной творческой деятельности не зависимо от возраста, рода занятий и специальностей.

УДК 00.11,0017,00.33,12.01,12.31,12,81

JEL A00- Schools of Economic Thought and Methodology

Jul 2, 17 / Leo 15, 01 00:08 UTC

**Mod Edit** English translation of the comment by VION

*Note* This translation was made by Google Translate. Please make sure when using the forums to copy/paste the English translation below your comment in your native language. This ensures that all persons interested in reading your post are able to understand it. Thank you for understanding.

In the system of attestation and certification of members of the Academy of Asgardia is applied

© "Module for the assessment of natural knowledge and attestation according to the VIVernadsky system" (abbreviated Vernadsky assessment module)

® "Assessment Module natural knowledge and certification in Vernadsky" (abbreviated assessment module according to Vernadsky)

© Author-Onoprienko Vladimir Ivanovich, Academician of the Noosphere Public Academy of Sciences (NOOOAN)

®Author-Onoprienko Vladimir, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Public Noosphere

A universal module of objectively established authorship and independent evaluation of innovations of any kind and free attestation of people of creative work on the basis of a closed chain of identification of copyright through confirmation of their competence by specialized institutional units of the Noosphere with a view to the practical application of the noospheric methodology of VIVernadsky in Russia and for Abroad.

The "Vernadsky Evaluation Module" absolutely exempts the evaluation procedures from the subjectivity of the evaluation of innovation (novelty), the formalistic approach to solving the issue of the conformity of scientific, pedagogical and other length of service and the volume of publications, provides a reliable identification of the authenticity of issued certificates.

Certificates of the "Vernadsky module" are provided by international author's registrations, which gives them the properties of international equivalence certificates in the countries of the civilized World.

By and large, the "Vernadsky Assessment Module" provides a stimulating effect on the attractiveness of socially useful creative activity, regardless of age, occupation and specialties.

UDC 00.11,0017,00.33,12.01,12.31,12,81

JEL A00 - Schools of Economic Thought and Methodology

  Last edited by:  Jewell Ledoux (Asgardian, Global Admin)  on Jul 2, 17 / Leo 15, 01 00:09 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 00:31 UTC

I've developed a global standard for digital communication, for 22bit visual binary memory, strategy, communication, navigation, and teamwork.  It's called #FriendshipCube.  Reminiscent of the group ROOM we subscribe to as Asgardians.  The FriendshipCube could be part of the standard teaching of the Space Nation.  There are so many applications creating value and jobs from sales and installations moving the world forward, that I am actually looking forward to witnessing the significant growth of The FriendshipCube Group as a kind of academy.   www.FriendshipCube.com 

Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 00:39 UTC

CERN is developing a 22bit visual binary fiber optic backbone for the next version of Internet.   It is going to be inside everything, like cars, appliances, televisions, clothing, pretty much everything you buy will be connected to the web of things and the web of meaning.  I hope that Asgardians can learn a thing or two from CERN.  

  Last edited by:  Graeme Kilshaw (Asgardian)  on Jul 14, 17 / Leo 27, 01 08:58 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: lost visual link

Jul 12, 17 / Leo 25, 01 13:42 UTC

Yes. Yesterday 22.06.17 the petition of the Academy of Asgardia was sent.

1. The Academy of Sciences of the Space State of Asgardia was established by the order of the head of state Igor Ashurbeli, approved by the Supreme Council for Space and the Decree of the Parliament of Asgardia No. 00000 of June 23, 2017 (ASGARD 06, 0001 / ASGARD 06, 2017). The Academy is the highest scientific institution of the Cosmic State of Asgardia.

May I have details (such as a petition's link) of the presented petition, please?
May I also have a better reference (decree's link) to the approved decree which establish the Academy of Sciences, please?
As far as I know, at the moment, "Supreme Council of Space" is a blank page, in the website, and I'm sorry to say I found no "decree 00000" in the list. I've to think this is a proposal only but it's presented as a "fact".

Jul 13, 17 / Leo 26, 01 19:02 UTC

создана Академия наук Асгардии? Очень хорошо. Однако в нашем проекте "Академия Асгардии - это просветительская и общеобразовательная структура. Она необходима и землянам, и Асгардцам.

Jul 13, 17 / Leo 26, 01 19:02 UTC

Created the Academy of Sciences of Asgardia? Very good. However, in our project "The Academy of Asgardia is an educational and general educational structure, it is necessary both for earthlings and Asgardians.

Jul 28, 17 / Vir 13, 01 14:30 UTC

Чрезвычайно актуальным и принципиально инновационным является предварительный анализ болезненных проблем образования Земли, и разработка принципиально "Асгардец" технологии многоуровневого образования. Несомненный интерес будет портфель, посвященной взаимоотношениям между наукой и эзотерикой, в которой, помимо четко ощутимые параллели между современной наукой и древними герметическими знаниями комплекса, наиболее способных гипотезы об энергоинформационном обмене будет считаться, обогащая официальная наука в конце второго тысячелетия//

Чрезвычайно актуальным и принципиально инновационным является предварительный анализ болевых проблем Земного образования, и разработка принципиально «асгардианских» технологий разноуровневого образования. Бесспорно представляющим интерес станет портфель, посвященный соотношению науки и эзотеризма, в котором, помимо явно ощутимых параллелей между современной наукой и древним комплексом герметических знаний, будут рассматриваться наиболее дееспособные гипотезы об энергоинформационном обмене, обогатившие официальную науку конца второго тысячелетия.

Translations: Extremely topical and fundamentally innovative is the preliminary analysis of the painful problems of the formation of the Earth, and the development of the fundamentally "Asgardian" technology of multi-level education. Undoubted interest will be the portfolio devoted to the relationship between science and esotericism, in which, in addition to clearly tangible parallels between modern science and the ancient hermetic knowledge of the complex, the most capable hypotheses about energy-information exchange will be considered enriching official science at the end of the second millennium // Extremely topical and fundamentally innovative is the preliminary analysis of the painful problems of the Earth education, and the development of fundamentally "Asgardian" technologies of a multilevel education. Undoubtedly of interest will be a portfolio dedicated to the relationship between science and esotericism, in which, apart from the clearly tangible parallels between modern science and the ancient hermetic knowledge complex, the most capable hypotheses on energy-information exchange that enrich the official science of the end of the second millennium will be considered.

*Note* This translation was made by Google Translate. Please make sure when using the forums to copy/paste the English translation below your comment in your native language. This ensures that all persons interested in reading your post are able to understand it. Thank you for understanding.

-Syafriza Bakri, July 29th 2017, 1:08 AM UTC

  Last edited by:  Syafriza Pratama (Asgardian)  on Jul 29, 17 / Vir 14, 01 01:09 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Translation

Sep 21, 17 / Sco 12, 01 03:02 UTC

As a asgardian i am creating a software for all asgardians and people of  earth to bring free education and qualifications to all to can see more  about this on my blog page here at asgardia.space