Feb 21, 17 / Pis 24, 01 14:39 UTC
What does an Asgardian school look like? ¶
I see a lot of topics about Asgardian schools, mandatory education, and curricula, but I am having trouble imagining how that would work. For now and (as I understand it) for the foreseeable future, Asgardians will always be foreigners or dual citizens in other countries. Therefore, Asgardians will always be subject to the educational systems of other countries.
My question is, given this reality, how could there be an Asgardian educational system? Do you imagine Asgardian schools as private schools in other cities? Is this conversation purely speculative about some society on a space station in the distant future?
Or is this discussion about an Asgardian educational system a red herring? Maybe the focus of education should not be on curriculum development but on adult education. This can include essential skill-building within the Asgardia community but it can also include education about Asgardia to the outside world.
What are your thoughts?