Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 06:11 UTC

Asgardia Sovereign Territories  

So, I heard that the leaders of Asgardia will buy an island in Chile which will be our first sovereign territory, but will we have more? What are the plans for future Earth-based territories for Asgardia? I'm sure not everyone can live in space and we need Earth-based territories also for several reasons.

Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 06:22 UTC

Where did you here that at?

Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 13:29 UTC

Yeah, most of us will never know space, as 1st generation of Asgardia.

We will need to free us in term of rocket lauching center, but also in food producing, etc.... We need lands on Earth. Even if not all Asgardians can move there, we will remain a Nation of the world somehow via web democracy I guess :)

Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 13:45 UTC

well I look into it. If we were to be self sustainable we would need 2 aches for every man, woman and child. That's 1.2 million aches or the size of new york. This would be the next best thing.

$26,000,000 USD is the south pacific, kanacea-island 1,248.46 HA

thats $52 each. But thats just the land. we would need to build infrastructure and facilitates. We would to set away to raise funds with out classifying as a donation.?

Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 13:52 UTC

I propose artificial islands or floating cities just like what Japan is planning to build. also These floating cities or islands are a much better option as we won't need to buy land and we can make them as big as we want (more space for our people to live in). Imagine a 50 sq km floating island complete with infrastructure, powerplants (free energy, solar, wind, tidal etc.), farms and other facilities. We can also move these things around in case there is trouble. This would be awesome, right?!

Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 23:17 UTC

It touches on engineering in the regards that any land bought or made would have to have infrastructure, and that would have to be designed and built, involving engineers.