we hesitate to give real opinion maybe afraid of being laughed at, discriminated, disliked, disagree, blocked, refused... unpleasant reaction and results, seemed we r build on this scheme 2 react 2 things? kinda can't wait to c the chemical reaction take place if someone pre-tag it dangerous, what if the tag is misplaced? what if it's not "that" dangerous as expected?
maybe better test things in some sandbox or analysis it in some test git before delete it. c how well biologists do with viruses, they use them to produce vaccine & transform them 2 b gene vector & editor. some opinion maybe not pleasant to accept by majority at first, block or silence it would throw away precious opportunities in case it reveals truth or a key step out of dilemma. even it's really not acceptable, there's still a chance 2 remode & transform & reuse. we have live with throwaway habit 4 2 long, throw away useful things & valuable opinions, like 2 say treat everything as resources, they exist having value
relax bro, consider google index a convenience, ppl maybe changing their jungle attack habit 2 more civilized analytic habit. as 2 myself, some monkey nature left though, i try my best to upgrade hoho