there is already an indication on what is popular by the number of views/replies on a particular subject
example as of now in general discussion the top 5 read /posted replies are as follows
1 Language thread ........................................................721 views 38 replies
2 What would be Asgardias future language?............. 578 views 1 reply
3 Hello fellow and potentially future Asgardian citizens 189 views 19 replies
4 Asgardia Certificate. ...............................................139 views 7 replies
5 Why did you join Asgardia?.................................... 126 views 22 replies
Most views is indicative of general interest ..most replies infers topic of some contention./community input
edit..I dont know why it went bold and large..apologies in advance lol
At 1st i missed the upvote /like function to show agreement or apreciation of the content but now believe that it can do more harm than good and agree with HenrikHV "The problem is that people may begin to write their posts for this purpose." and worse get dissapointed if they do not get upvotes or agressive to those that do..On balance lets not.have ratings. If appreciation or strong support is felt we can private message or post a reply indicating that.