Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 11:16 UTC

Protecting alien and Terran life forms should be our major aim  

I will not be voting on this Constitution as it now stands. I have read the Constitution and it looks good with one major flaw – it is completely human centered and makes no mention of an effort to protect biological species on Earth – plants, animals, from exploitation and harm. Humans need to be aware of and protect any ecosystem and life form they encounter. I believe that should be a major aim on any planet, Moon or satellite humans desire to inhabit. After all, many are thinking about the need to leave this planet precisely because it is being ruined by human activity. We need to ensure that this destructive mentality is not carried to other planets and ecosystems. Can someone please comment on this? How to get that into the Constitution?

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 16:21 UTC

Hi Saille,

I can definitely see your points. We should also be thinking of other worlds. I know right now our concept was started to protect Earth itself, from any space-based threats. One could argue that it would go against your idea to protect alien life forms. Now, that's just me playing 'devil's advocate' for a moment. I actually believe we should have something in there to allow for possible alien contact, and protection. 

The steps for adding/modifying anything into the Constitution is to put together a petition with the required amount of signatures, (1,000), a referendum is called for a vote by the Asgardia Parliament. When you receive signatures, you will want to provide them the same time that you file the petition. 

Personally, I have always liked the concept from Star Trek about a "Prime Directive". My belief is that as we expand our growth to other locations, (ie the moon, Mars, other worlds), we'll become an intermediary for other countries to help with commerce treaties, import/export, and property assistance.