While this is a good suggestion, at the moment building the nation, launching the satellite and getting UN approval is the first priority right now. It is possible with the many languages of the citizens of Asgardia, that eventually a new language will develop on its own. However, for the purpose of trade and communication with other nations at the moment, it is necessary for English to be the language of priority since it is most widely understood internationally. Feel free to use Google Translate or Bing, or any other translator service you may feel comfortable with if English is not a language you are familiar with. Let us know if you have any questions.
Please post this topic and continue this discussion on the thread posted in General Discussion for Language. There is currently a discussion in progress about the language of Asgardia. Follow this link directly to this thread https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/general-discussion-14/topic/official-thread-languages-of-asgardia-thoughts-and-proposals-732/ This thread will be closed, thank you for understanding.