Hello everyone, I come to you all, asking for some help I wrote this book. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7y-EwvQNJnwMm1DbmVIdm1JU0k/view?usp=sharing (click on the link or paste and copy on your browser) is in spanish, I wrote it before I knew something about asgardia, and It appears to fit the philosophy I think asgardia might have, Is just a simple opinion, and within the book you may find a lot of information, or just a fun time on literature, thing is, is in Spanish my native language, due to school, homeworks, etc.. but most important and I have to be honest, I don´t feel I could make a proper translation, so if there is a fellow with time and experience translating to other languages from spanish and want to do it so. I will be more than thankfull. Anyway I hope the link works and I don´t want to leave without saying Thank you, and wishing you the best to you all. Lets work for a better society and a big space country. Regards from Mexico.