It is a scam, when now the certificate isn't a " Certificate for Citizenship " but a " Certificate to buy stock, in Asgardia " as one would buy stock in a Company that provides goods and services. An then for someone who claims to be in a position of authority explains that from what he knows, there is no way currently to buy stock in Asgardia.
FYI, no one on the face of the planet, can buy stock on a kingdom or nation, you can't go to a broker, lender, or any other company on the face of the planet, and say, Hi I would like to pay 1000 dollars, euros, beans, and purchase stock on the U.S.A, Ireland, China, Saudia Arabia, Pakistan. Etc.
You buy stocks in COMPANIES.
It is a scam.
When you buy something and get nothing in return for your hard earned money, you are being scammed.
Now what Dennis is suggesting, is " INVESTING " . But the problem is, the concept of the money being waged against people, is not an investment. No one in their right mind, looks at a business plan, that says, well, in 100 years we HOPE, that our business plan will bear fruit, and actually work to better humanity. An in return for your money, you get bragging rights to say you were there at the beginning.
Think I am full of it ?
You try it, you come up with a nice idea, to better humanity, and go find an actual investor, with real money. An pitch your idea, tell the investor exactly what Denis said, and then see how fast you get laughed out of the room or thrown out by security.
The CONCEPT of Asgardia is not a scam, it is a very nice IDEA. That is all it is.
The implementation of becoming a " Kingdom " and soliciting money is the scam. Igor found a lot of loop holes to create his own internet kingdom. An kudos for him. That is all it is. Renting a hotel ballroom, and throwing a fundraiser, and giving yourself accolades that you created, at an event that one created, doesn't mean jack.
IF Asgardia really wanted to be taken seriously, it would take solid recognition by real world leaders and real nations. An they would have to drop the scheming money grabbing that they try to pass off as investing, or taxation.
Nations do not tax people, when there is no work force to tax. It just doesn't happen, never has, never will. The only other term for that is slavery. Jobs come first, then taxes , not the other way around.
Just more examples of either a scam, or stupidity, pick which ever suits your tastes.