Is the 100 euro fee too much ? If so don't worry,because according to the " Law " just passed, by Nov,11,2019 " Earth month and year " Everyone from the beginning and forward, will have to " pay " a " Citizenship fee " aka a " Tax " aka this endevour is going to down the tubes faster than poop going through a chicken. Because here in reality, in the real world, where you go to jail for not paying taxes, and you have bills to pay, an food to buy, paying an extra 100 euros, or 113.00 in U.S.D, a year [ Forever ] is insane, and for what services ? Oh for a " digitial citizenship card " that does absolutely nothing, and provides you the one paying that hard earned real, physical " earth money " again nothing. So now on top of being an " Asgardian " guess what, you are now literally throwing away 100 in cash, to people, who provide you no services what so ever, other than to say, hey thank you for making it possible for us to get into space and maybe one day in future generations make something on the moon or some thing else of the kind in space.
Or we will use those funds to pay your government because they need a paycheck, even though Asgardia doesn't have an economy, or jobs, or anything other than this website, a dead forum, and a facebook page and a youtube page.
Don't be a sucker, don't waste your good money, for someone elses " dream " that is only suckering you out of your money so that rich jerks can slap around and yuck it up some where in a hotel, or at some confrence to swindle more people into buying their crap. They may have done well, to file paper work, with in the real world , to be considered a " Government entity " but suckering people out of money, to fund themselves and a website, and providing nothing in return except empty promises of a possible future that we wont be alive to see if it comes true or not, is a joke, and all it is doing is setting up a bank account, that someone down the road, can cash in on, and say, oh so sorry we gave Asgardia a good try, the rest of this money is ours now, we thank you for your donations, and we pinky promise to give some of this money to charity.
Don't be a sucker. You have been warned.