doesn't matter, Asgardia is a joke, just like The Mars One project. There is no way to verify anything that Asgardia does, no one has a clue where or how this supposed government operates out of or even has a meeting. An more than likely all it is, is a club for the rich, so they can piddle around, and pretend to be doing something, all the while, the man at the top has created a brand spanking new pyramid scheme, the rich pays him, he does very little to nothing. I just like to debate , especially when laws are blatantly stupid, and especially when they have very convoluted wording and then you have people who can't comprehend the notion of either.
An then to say, that hopefully in the future the year 3000 Asgardia will have a real space station in outer space, and sorry we don't think we can do anything in our life time, is beyond ridiculous and a joke.
If this was worded not as a space kingdom, but as a DIGITAL , INTERNET BASED NATION. Then I would be like okay I get it. But when you say well, we are based on an idea, for the long run, for a future well past our life times, I gotta call BS.
Heck forget Mars, forget spaceships and space stations. How about sending up one person from Asgardia, with an Asgardian Flag, to the moon, pick out a spot, an plant it on the moon and then designate that area as Asgardian property. Or if it can't be claimed as property, still just plant a flag up there. Be the first Asgardian on the moon. Can't be that hard to catch a ride to the moon.
Mine as well, because supposedly the UN says Asgardia is real.
I am though kind of puzzled how easily fools part with their money, I really need to create my own website, promise a bunch of wild ideas and then tell people they have to give me money, or they are not members, but then also say they don't have to give me money and can stay members, then tell everyone else that it makes sense and to just re read everything.