Apr 14, 19 / Tau 20, 03 15:09 UTC


Greetings to all of you. 

ENG : Thank you for talking about this. It's a nice coincidence and a topic I'm interested in. I am a member of the citizenship committee in the parliament and I would like to inform you that I have a file I prepared to present to the parliament. This file is quite extensive and is a little bit beyond what you think a library file. We will talk about developments later.  I'd like to hear if you have any ideas. For example, what sections should be in the library.  google translate.

TUR : Hepinize selamlar. Bu konu hakkında konuştuğunuz için teşekkürler. Güzel bir tesadüf ve ilgilendiğim bir konu. Parlamentodaki vatandaşlık komitesinin bir üyesiyim ve size meclise sunmak için hazırladığım bir dosyam olduğunu bildirmek istiyorum. Bu dosya oldukça geniştir ve bir kütüphane dosyası olarak düşündüğünüzün biraz ötesindedir. Daha sonra gelişmelerden bahsedeceğiz. Herhangi bir fikriniz varsa duymak isterim. Örneğin, kütüphanede hangi bölümlerin olması gerektiği.

Citizenship Committe Member

My best regards.

  Last edited by:  Ugur Aydin (Candidate, Asgardian, Member of the Parliament)  on Apr 14, 19 / Tau 20, 03 15:15 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

May 8, 19 / Gem 16, 03 11:11 UTC

Libraries are collections of books, manuscripts, journals, and other sources of recorded information. I use this library[external Link Removed]

They commonly include reference works, such as encyclopaedias that provide factual information and indexes that help users find information in other sources; creative works, including poetry, novels, short stories, music scores, and photographs; nonfiction, such as biographies, histories, and other factual reports; and periodical publications, including magazines, scholarly journals, and books published as part of a series. As home use of records, CD-ROMs, and audiotapes and videotapes has increased, library collections have begun to include these and other forms of media, too.

  Last edited by:  Mariya Kudryavtseva (Asgardian, Member of the Parliament)  on Jul 30, 19 / Vir 15, 03 04:02 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: [external Link Removed]

May 20, 19 / Can 00, 03 07:20 UTC

Dear Alexia 2

I care very much about getting feedback from you. I am waiting for all suggestions for the idea of the library I planned for the Asgardia Space Nation.

Citizenship Committee Member

My Best Regards

Jun 1, 19 / Can 12, 03 15:06 UTC

Hello to everyone,

   ENG: You can get up to date information about the idea of, "Digital Space Library" lement that I have prepared and presented to the Supreme Asgardia Parliament, and more content can be found on the parliamentary official channel.

(Asgardia Parliament Official)


   TUR: Asgardia Parlamentosu'na hazırladığım ve sunduğum “Dijital Alan Kütüphanesi” fikri hakkında güncel bilgi edinebilir ve meclis resmi kanalında daha fazla içerik bulabilirsiniz.

Best Regards

  Last edited by:  Ugur Aydin (Candidate, Asgardian, Member of the Parliament)  on Jun 3, 19 / Can 14, 03 11:16 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time