Jan 22, 17 / Aqu 22, 01 14:31 UTC


Hi, I'm from Austria and I already have my certification. When I look at the list of states, I can't find my country Austria. Perhaps we are confused with Australia? Very often it happens.

Mar 15, 17 / Ari 18, 01 14:58 UTC

An alert on the point of citizenship. Incorporation in the constitution of an article that explicitly recognizes the multiple citizenship of individuals who affiliate with asgardia. Because there are some countries that do not recognize this situation, mainly when traveling to them

Mar 16, 17 / Ari 19, 01 02:02 UTC

Mayhaps you're after https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/austria-109/ ?

Mar 16, 17 / Ari 19, 01 05:33 UTC

Hi @goettin eirene,

My name is Alan and I am the National Chapter Coordinator for the Asgardia Chapters. We are always looking for people to fulfil the role of Chapter Advocates. The Chapter Advocate engages with the local Asgardian's within their country via a Asgardia Chapter Facebook Page as well as via these forums.

If you would be interested in undertaking this role, please send an email to volunteers@asgardia.space and we can discuss the role in more detail.

