Jun 4, 17 / Can 15, 01 20:11 UTC

i have several questions for ADMIN  

According to your statement that people that collected on these website are stilll "Online Community" and you said that you have no fund yet.. So do you think when these kind of Asgardia Project will be realized...? And do you think what's kind of people that may be choosen as the first Group that will become first asgardians...?

Jun 5, 17 / Can 16, 01 00:00 UTC

Hi Rafika Olivia, For the moment, any Asgardian who votes will continue their membership unless they request to have their membership removed. Our current priority is to be recognized as a state by the UN. At the moment there is no physical place (land) of Asgardia, therefore immigration is impossible. When the option for citizenship opens, all Asgardians will be invited to apply. If you have any further questions let us know. 

  Last edited by:  Jewell Ledoux (Global Admin, Asgardian)  on Jun 5, 17 / Can 16, 01 00:01 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jun 7, 17 / Can 18, 01 12:57 UTC

hi admin, my second question is how many persent the founder ensure asgardia will make it happen? (to realize asgardia project) 

and so.. how many person that want to support in financial aid so far for these project?

Jun 7, 17 / Can 18, 01 13:20 UTC

We are working at 100% to make this happen. Already Dr. Ashurbeyli has many investors investing their time and money in this project. Here you can find more information about Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli - https://ashurbeyli.eu.com/, and you can find out more about the AIRC - https://airc.at/#. You may also want to read about the Concept of Asgardia here - https://asgardia.space/en/page/concept. I hope this helps to answer your questions.

Aug 28, 19 / Lib 16, 03 09:19 UTC