May 23, 18 / Can 03, 02 13:38 UTC

Passport of Asgardia  

I propose to consider the option of the passport of the citizen of Asgardia. in order to eliminate the claims of different people, why the word "passport" is not written in their native language, on the cover to place the inscription on esperatno. (sample attached)

May 23, 18 / Can 03, 02 14:31 UTC

Yes, with issuance fee, an with future fees, when each citizen should pay tax each year for keeping the government website which will confirm that the passport is still valid.

Jun 27, 18 / Leo 10, 02 00:35 UTC

Hello dear I want some information about the 


 passport. Can you help me?

Jul 10, 18 / Leo 23, 02 23:31 UTC

the passport should not be like Afghanistan or syrian passport!!

Aug 2, 18 / Vir 18, 02 13:42 UTC

                                                                                   @Mohammed arnold

You have infringed the quasi-totality of our Nation Supreme Values by your comment about "Afghanistani and Syrian passports". You should re-read our Constitution and ABIDE by our laws. Otherwise, you shall remain with your fellow "racists" on planet Earth.

Chapter 2.

General Provisions

Article 4. Supreme Values of Asgardia

4-Asgardia’s Supreme Values in fulfilling its Mission are:

d.unity of space humanity as a community;

  • e.human dignity, human rights and freedoms, and the harmonious development of individuals;

f.human happiness, life, love, children and family, and the propagation of human species;

  • k.peace, tranquility, safety, security, respect, and confidence;
  • l.morality, fairness, and freedom;
  • m.harmonious existence of individuals, society, and the nation.

  Last edited by:  Amine Hajji (Asgardian)  on Aug 2, 18 / Vir 18, 02 13:43 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: grammatical error